Irina Danilovah
Couple 59 for 59 minutes
A collaboration of two participants wearing t-shirts with numbers 5 and 9 who stayed together as number 59 for 59 minutes during their casual activities while looking for combinations of numbers 5 and 9 within local surroundings. For "Here in Jamaica", Couple 59 was performed by Irina Danilova with Jamaica native Kulsum Rifa and with Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful.
About the artist
Born and raised in Kharkov, Ukraine (part of the former USSR), I lived for several years in Moscow before moving to New York in 1994. Currently a resident of Brooklyn, I teach art at CUNY Kingsborough College. My art is located in life. I have a few life-long projects, one of them is Project 59, where a random number is used for artistic explorations of life. Project 59 develops art/life events. The idea for Couple 59 for 59 Minutes, my performance for HERE IN JAMIACA, was originally conceived for the Unnoticed Art Festival in Netherlands during June 25, 2016, and it was realized by two volunteers. Another life-long project of mine is a Quadrennial Shaving performance. Every 4 years I harvest my hair into the collection of braids "LifeTime". There are 7 braids in this collection and I am about to acquire the 8th one.
Photos: Irina Danilova